Biodiversity Credit Markets

A range of biodiversity credit markets are emerging across the global economy.  



These markets can produce the scaled financing and incentives needed for businesses and economies to better align with the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement. 

The biodiversity credit market is projected to experience growth in the coming years, driven by factors such as increasing recognition of the economic value of biodiversity, growing pressure on businesses to counter their environmental impacts, and potential integration of biodiversity credits into emerging markets. 

Building high-integrity, high-performing biodiversity credit markets requires a radical level of transparency and accountability, accreditation for traders, that indigenous peoples and local communities’ voices are heard, interested stakeholders visible, minimum price floors established and international governance arrangements upgraded. 

These emerging markets require legal underpinning and governance structures for all market actors. If governed and structured well, biocredit markets can provide an innovative way to channel investment into biodiversity conservation and restoration, including private investment which has been critically missing to date. 

NatureFinance is working with a number of organisations to develop frameworks and recommendations in shaping high-performance and high-integrity biodiversity credit markets. 

By recognising the value of nature, biocredits could change business behaviour, creating an opportunity cost of nature destruction. Markets can level the playing field in terms of equity, rights and ownership and indigenous communities, reinforcing their rights and way of life. 

Mapping Indigenous Peoples and local community involvement in emerging Biocredits 

This mapping, by NatureFinance – and undertaken with the support of Advancing Green and made possible with support from FSD Africa – explores the potential of nature credit instruments to drive private finance into African conservation and restoration. Drawing from interviews with over 80 stakeholders, this new map, included in Investing in Africa: Investing in Nature, indicates the number of biodiversity credit projects that were engaged with throughout the landscape and names those developers whose projects are publicly known.  

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Mapping Indigenous Peoples and local community involvement in emerging Biocredits

This mapping, undertaken in partnership with the Taskforce on Nature Markets and IIED, based on a background study and series of informal conversations, indicates the sparse knowledge of involvement of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in biocredits projects and presents an initial finding of where collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and local communities is happening in emerging biocredit markets. 


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Mapping Indigenous Peoples and local community involvement in emerging Biocredits
Paper and Global Roadmap: Harnessing Biodiversity Credits for People and Planet

This paper identifies 5 key design challenges in the development and scaling up of high-integrity biodiversity credit markets. It also outlines a clear, inclusive, sovereign-driven Global Roadmap towards overcoming these challenges, which was co-launched by the French and UK governments at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in June 2023. 


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Paper: Biodiversity Credit Markets: The role of law, regulation and policy

This Taskforce on Nature Markets paper, prepared in collaboration with Pollination, explores requirements and recommendations for a legal, policy and regulatory framework to guide the development of high integrity biodiversity credit markets. With robust governance and integrity measures, these markets have the potential to deliver nature-positive and equitable outcomes while providing an innovative and scalable source of finance for nature. 


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Consultation: The Future of Biodiversity Credit Markets

This consultation paper provides practical proposals for biodiversity credit markets to produce scaled financing and incentives.  We welcome comments and suggestions enabling us to continue building a broadly embraced approach to the design, governance and execution of  biodiversity credit nature credit markets. 


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Joint Response to the Australian Consultation on Nature Repair Market

Encouraged by Australia´s leadership on advancing a first-of-its-kind, voluntary initiative to dedicate diverse resource mobilisation for biodiversity, NatureFinance has coordinated a collective response to the government’s Nature Repair Market Bill. 

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Global Environment Facility (GEF): Innovative Finance for Nature and Peoples

NatureFinance provided two submissions to the GEF High-level Working Group as a contribution to this outcome presenting the state-of-play, diagnostics and recommendations to unlock the potential of biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificates for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity. 

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Contact us

Monique Atouguia, Knowledge Manager, Nature Markets

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