Investing in Africa: Investing in Nature

May 24, 2024

The opportunity has never been greater for policymakers and investors to create the market conditions for investment in nature-related conservation and restoration across Africa. 

Despite a lack of consensus on definition, biodiversity credits can be broadly defined as “representing a measured or verified improvement in biodiversity outcomes through quantifiable stewardship effort.”

Biodiversity credits – also referred to as biocredits, biodiversity units or nature certificates – are nascent, yet various types and market structures are emerging.

They can represent the potential of a non-traditional revenue stream for both conservation and restoration, and denote nature gains, offering investment prospects for a larger range of conservation efforts across ecosystems and species.

Investing in Africa: Investing in Nature, a report by NatureFinance – explores the potential of nature credit instruments to drive private finance into African conservation and restoration. 

It was undertaken with the support of Advancing Green has been made possible with support from FSD Africa. 

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Forthcoming Technical Report & Policy Brief: COMING SOON  

The forthcoming landscaping study and accompanying policy brief will map and analyse the emerging landscape for biodiversity credits across the African continent. Drawing from interviews with over 80 stakeholders, it maps for the first time over 30 emerging biodiversity credit projects across Africa and criteria needed to ensure accountability and integrity. 

It also shares key findings from these engagements as well as market principles with associated key recommended interventions to continue to channel private finance into African conservation & restoration efforts at scale, in a nature positive and equitable way. 

This study presents a fuller picture of how this landscape is developing and the different purposes that biodiversity credits can serve in relation to investment opportunities; shift in business behaviour; local ownership and benefit sharing for IPLCs.  

The report will also highlight NatureFinance’s recommendations and interventions – based on six key principles – which aim to establish market trust, promote equitable development, and ensure fair compensation in Africa’s biodiversity credit markets. 

This study was undertaken from September to March 2024, and published in May 2024. 

Preliminary findings will be shared at various stakeholder meetings across the continent in May and June 2024 as we finalise the final policy and technical briefs.

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‍NatureFinance wishes to thank all the landscaping study participants whose insights have shaped this landscaping study, both for their invaluable contributions and for their tireless work in conservation across the continent. 

Contact and more information:

For more information, please reach out to Monique Atouguia,

For media & communications inquiries, please reach out to Anastasia Biselli,

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