The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will convene in New York from September 10th to 24th, coinciding with Climate Week NYC which takes place from September 22nd to 29th, 2024.
NatureFinance will have a core delegation on the ground, engaging in various events during this time. Below, you will find the most up-to-date details of these events, with this page being updated on a regular basis in the run-up to UNGA/Climate Week NYC.
NatureFinance UNGA/Climate Week NYC Speaking Appointments
• 24th September: Wild animals are the unsung heroes of climate action!
The New York Times Building 620 8th Ave # 33, NY| 10:00 – 12:00 EST
Wild animals are the unsung heroes of climate action, and offer huge potential as a nature-based climate solution. In this event path-breaking scientists, leading wildlife conservationists, and nature-finance experts will come together to discuss the enormous contribution wild animals can make to carbon sequestration, how wildlife conservation can deliver immense value for investors in carbon and biodiversity finance, and how we can bridge the immense gap in nature finance that is needed to unlock the potential offered by wild animals as a climate solution.
To register, click here.
Co-Hosted by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Seyfarth Shaw LLC
NatureFinance Speaker: Julie McCarthy
• 25th September: Financing the Green Energy Transition
Deloitte Climate Week Hub, 1221 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave) | 10:40 – 11:20 EST
This session will explore the challenges and areas of opportunities in financing the green energy transition. Panellists will share their experience leading innovations globally, across the private and public sector.
To register, click here.
Hosted by Deloitte
NatureFinance Speaker: Julie McCarthy
• 25th September: Powering resilient ecosystems and communities with science
Venue NY (345 Park Avenue South, between 25th and 26th Streets) | 16:00 – 18:00 EST
This Science Summit session will explore how scientific advancements in data analytics, risk assessment and predictive modelling are being leveraged to improve nature-related insurance products and policies. Speakers will share expertise and insights on how the nexus of science, data and financial instruments are incentivising the protection of nature, on which 50% of the global GDP is highly dependent.
Hosted by UNDP Insurance & Risk Finance Facility (IRFF)
NatureFinance Speaker: Julie McCarthy
For further information, please contact joanna.omalley@naturefinance.net
NatureFinance’s UNGA and Climate Week NYC Delegation

Barbara Oldani, Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Sustainability-linked Sovereign Debt Hub

Julie McCarthy, CEO, NatureFinance

Marcelo Furtado, Principal, NatureFinance and Head of Sustainability, Itaúsa

Samruddhi Kothari, Research Consultant, NatureFinance

Barbara Oldani, Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Sustainability-linked Sovereign Debt Hub

Julie McCarthy, CEO, NatureFinance

Marcelo Furtado, Principal, NatureFinance and Head of Sustainability, Itaúsa