Taskforce on Nature Markets

Nature-linked revenue flows are rapidly increasing and could support nature investment, protection, and restoration. 

‘Nature markets’ – including voluntary carbon credits, conservation and soft commodities – produce and trade over US$7 trillion worth of goods and services annually, equivalent to the 3rd largest economy after US and China. A new era of nature markets is emerging.

Today, we have a historic opportunity to transform the practice and behaviour of nature markets to recognise & integrate the value of nature and its stewards into its core.

NatureFinance has set up a global Taskforce on Nature Markets to ensure that emerging nature markets deliver nature positive and equitable outcomes, and contribute to meeting climate goals.

During its 18 month journey, the Taskforce shared findings and recommendations that highlight the relevance for nature of both shifting geopolitics and a growing realisation that we are on the brink of global temperature rises well in excess of the targeted, and comparatively safe, 1.5 degrees Centigrade.

Its final report, launched in the Amazon (10 August 2023), shared  7 ambitious recommendations that can be actioned by policy makers, market actors and citizens to catalyse a global nature economy fit for the 21st century – where markets work for people and the planet. Find out more here.

Find out more about the Taskforce work programme and leadership at naturemarkets.net

Explore all reports published by the Taskforce at naturemarkets.net/publications

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LinkedIn @TaskforceonNature Markets

Contact us

Monique Atouguia, Knowledge Manager, Taskforce on Nature Markets

Nature Finance Partners

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