
Resources and commentaries relevant to NatureFinance’s Beyond 1.5 Degrees work

Shock as warming accelerates, 1.5°C is breached faster than forecast | Op-Ed by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop | Club of Rome

February 2024

First published on John Menadue’s Public Policy Journal

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The new ‘inconvenient truth’ | Op-Ed by Lise Tupiassu and Marcelo Furtado | Valor

December 2023

This Op-ED was originally published in Portuguese at Valor Econômico on 4th December 2023 — the “Nature Day” at COP 28.

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Planning for a Future Beyond 1.5°C | Op-Ed by Simon Zadek | Project Syndicate

November 2023

It is an open secret in climate circles that limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius is no longer possible. As the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai approaches, we must abandon this target, which has become an obstacle to truly innovative action.

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Time to Plan for a Future Beyond 1.5 Degrees | Insight Piece by NatureFinance

November 2023

“Time to Plan for a Future Beyond 1.5 Degrees” reflects growing concerns and an ongoing debate within NatureFinance, its partners and wider networks about what it might take to catalyse more disruptive actions commensurate with the scale of this crisis. The piece is a contribution to broader debate and practice in addressing the related challenges of climate, nature, and sustainable development.

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1.5°C – dead or alive? | Paper by the Cohort 2040 project, in collaboration with IPPR and Chatham House

February 2023

This paper is an output of the Cohort 2040 project, in collaboration with IPPR and Chatham House. This project seeks to better understand how the millennial and younger generations can provide the effective and transformational leadership needed to secure a better world even as environmental destabilisation grows.

Stories of 1.5°C: Dead or alive? | Event by the Cohort 2040 project, in collaboration with IPPR and Chatham House

May 2023

As a follow-up to this work, a panel was hosted to discuss what are the best stories to tell about the 1.5°C goal as temperatures continue to rise, which stories can be more honest about the severity of the crisis and better spur transformational change but avoid being exploited by climate delayers, and how can we ensure that other consequences of the deepening crisis.

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AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023 | Report by the IPCC

March 2023

The IPCC finalized the Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report during the Panel’s 58th Session held in Interlaken, Switzerland from 13 – 19 March 2023.


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Agriculture and food security threatened by warmer, dryer world | Feature by Sarah Ruiz | Woodwell Climate Research Centre

February 2022

Models predict increasing crop failures in major breadbaskets over the next three decades

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Joanna O’Malley

Project Coordinator

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